"The Ghost Intrigue" video live at Fearless Music TV, NYC.

"A Manifest Destiny Grows In Brooklyn" video live at Old Fizz's Bike Shop in Madison, IN (07.15.07)

Solo from "Not Hopeless" video live at No Radio Records in Ithaca, NY. (07.13.07)

Guitar Solo from "Not Hopeless"

"The Ghost Intrigue" video live at Empire in Richmond, VA (05.14.07), shot by Chris Moran and featured as Video Of The Week at Punknews.org.

Nakatomi Plaza - "The Ghost Intrigue" from Chris Moran on Vimeo

"The Strikes" video live at the Red and Black Bar in Washington, DC (01.19.07), shot by Clair Morgan.

"The Strikes" video from the Frigid Ember Fest 2006 is available on here.

bike rock revolution
filmed during the summer 2001 tour
by miguel rodriguez
starring nakatomi plaza and the exit as themselves

More videos here.